Not if you know this information very well.
According to biology, the "keratinized epithelial filaments" that more or less all of us carry on our heads, i.e. the hair, are useless

Hair is not a vital organ, it could be peacefully living without it, were it not for the fact that people, especially women, live badly without their hair, sometimes very badly.

Hair is intimately connected with the sense of identity that each of us has of ourselves. They express to the world something fundamental about us.

Could it be for this reason that human beings are willing to spend astronomical sums to have flowing and silky hair?

Doctors, dermatologists, hairstylists are called upon every day to provide solutions to remedy hair failures. Lotions, drugs, detergents, treatments are prescribed, up to hair transplants, generating a turnover in stratospheric economic terms…


For those who don't know me yet, my name is Elena Pozzan, and I am the founder of the Academy of Trichology. The first and only institution in Italy dedicated to specialized training in Integrated Cosmetological Trichology exclusively aimed at the hairdresser.

As an insider first, and then as a simple spectator, I have found myself countless times observing that everyone's attention is always focused only on the hair, neglecting one fundamental element: the person.

The hair are not independent elements that are simply placed on the head, they are structures of our body intimately connected with all the dynamics and metabolisms of the organism itself.

Hair is a messenger of psycho-physical health.

Stress, an unbalanced lifestyle, lack of sleep, malnutrition, organic inflammation, improper use of chemical and thermal products modify the vitality and structure of the hair.

Thinking of solving hair problems by acting only and exclusively on them it is pure utopia.

I like to visualize the hair as a miniaturization of the human being and as such, to best represent itself, it must be able to live to the fullest.

As happens in the vegetable world, in order for a plant to be able to generate and live by providing its fruits, it needs fertile and healthy soil, it needs adequate hydration, sun and air.

The "terrain" of the hair is the person himself and it is the attention to the person that must be the central nucleus from which to start in order to maintain health, improve the aesthetic aspect, solve problems.

So, what should we know about a customer during an INTEGRATED TRICO-COSMETIC interview in order to carry out a better and more complete observation/assessment of the case? And what advice should we provide? Here are some:

  • Balanced nutrition. Healthy hair in a healthy body should therefore first of all provide for a balanced and nutrient-rich diet with meals enjoyed seated at the table, dedicating the right time and care to the choice of foods, cooking, consumption and, of no small importance, the banquet .
  • An adequate supply of water it is essential for the human organism so that it can carry out all its functions. Even more so for hair health. Without water, the keratin of the hair becomes brittle, generating fragile and problematic stems.
  • Sleep well for no less than 7-8 hours at night is another key element for the health of the body and hair. Metabolic processes that are very important for our health take place during the night and missing this appointment is harmful to the body, psyche and hair.
  • Practice physical activity daily. 30 minutes of brisk walking in the open air every day would be enough to help keep the body healthy and consequently the hair. Oxygenate the blood not only allows for better circulation and therefore a better supply of nutrients to the hair, but it improves the delicate and alas today increasingly precarious psychic-emotional condition.
  • Manage Stress: eliminate unnecessary stress when possible, but in 2022 it seems more correct to talk about learning stress management strategies such as practicing meditation for at least 20 minutes a day, practicing yoga, stretching, breathing techniques.
  • Dedicate/dedicate time to reading, personal growth and personal care.

When hair falls out, a situation that literally throws more people into panic than you think, we are witnessing a "trailer" taken from the film of our lives.

It is the message of an organism that is no longer in balance, a body-mind system that is losing resources or not receiving them adequately.

Accademia di Trichologia trains exclusively hairdressers who wish to specialize as operators of integrated trichology capable of observe scalp and hair abnormalities from multiple points of view, paying attention to the person as a whole and providing extremely personalized cosmetic solutions with practical advice aimed at recovering general personal balance.

If you also want to become a specialist hairdresser in integrated trichology you don't have to waste any more time because in a few days the 2023 specialization opportunities will close definitively and you will have to wait for 2024

Click here to find out how to become an integrated trichology specialist immediately

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